Pritish Sanyal Pritish Sanyal

Episode 50: Mini-Series- Generalist Vs Specialist

These days there is a debate, especially among the younger talent pool, about being a generalist or a specialist. There is a popular book on this topic by David Epstein called Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World. Epstein argues against specialisation early on in one's life and makes a case for "range" to gather as many skills and experiences as you can and later to specialise based on your strengths.

What got me thinking is, does the brain have a generalist vs specialist evolution, and do Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Michael Angelo, and other achievers have a generalist or a specialist mindset?

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Pritish Sanyal Pritish Sanyal

Episode 49: Sidu Ponnappa- Lessons from entrepreneurship & investing

Sidu Ponnappa is a serial entrepreneur and an angel investor. His most recent startup C42 Engineering was acquired by GO-JEK in 2015, with C42's founding team joining GO-JEK's board of directors. GO-JEK grew 900X in 18 months and became Indonesia's first unicorn in 2017. Sidu has experienced building and scaling businesses as a founder, CEO, and head of engineering, sales, marketing and HR.

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