Pritish Sanyal Pritish Sanyal

Episode 72: Part-2: Becoming a Billionaire, Impact of Paul Graham & Marc Andreessen Essays, Productivity Hacks, Books w/Prasanna Sankar

In part two of our conversation, we dive deeper into Prasanna's extraordinary life, understand how his world transformed after achieving billionaire status, the profound influence of Paul Graham's writings on his thinking, and the unique superpowers that have propelled him to great heights. He also shares his book recommendations and unveils his thoughts on productivity, providing counterintuitive insights on making the most of your time and achieving remarkable results.

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Pritish Sanyal Pritish Sanyal

Episode 71: Part-1: Indian Hustle & Competition, Building Early Confidence, State of FAAMGs, Brilliance & Future of Bitcoin, Power of a Free Mind w/Prasanna Sankar

Few possess a rare combination of exceptional talent, entrepreneurial vision, and a relentless drive to push boundaries. My next guest on The One Percent Project, Prasanna Sankar, the co-founder of Rippling, is undoubtedly one such individual. In 2010, Prasanna co-founded Likealittle, a college campus social network that experienced an incredible surge, skyrocketing from 0 to 20 million page views in six weeks.

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