Episode 41: Jeffrey Paine- Being an Introverted Leader

About Jeffrey Paine:

My next guest on The One Percent Project is Jeffrey Paine. He is the Managing Partner & Co-founder at Golden Gate Ventures and an Edmund Hillary Fellow. Jeff is one of the most thoughtful VCs I have come across. Last year, he launched an initiative called Coachable that focuses on founders' mental wellness by pairing them with experienced coaches and mentors. He wishes for other like-minded VCs and corporations to join this initiative so that more founders get the support they need while building their startups.

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In this conversation, he talks about:

  1. The state of venture investing in Asia.

  2. Is there an Angel investing bubble and its impact?

  3. His framework for learning and understanding a new industry.

  4. How to get the timing right as an investor?

  5. How to choose among copycats; who gets funded and why?

  6. Are Asian founders always building a business around problems they encounter?

  7. The need for coaches and mentors for founders.

  8. His views on blockchain, NFTs and Metaverse.

  9. What makes introverts strong leaders?

Some Key Highlights:

  • When you come across a hot trend as an investor, with multiple copycats; it comes down to how you read people? Which teams can you trust with a hundred million dollars? Are you interested in product or relationship led teams?

  • There are two types of founders. First, those who come from the industry tend to be razor-focused. They are clear on who their customer is and who is not. Founders who have done it before are careful with money. On the other hand, you have young founders who want to target a segment and figure it out. Neither is better than the other. What makes a founder stand out is their yearning for knowledge and figuring out the market. They want to know their customer, what other problems they have, and whether they will pay for a given service or product.

  • Most companies work at an extrovert's pace; decisions are made fast without much information and not much processing and thinking time. Introvert leaders are more empathetic and analytical; they observe and think before taking action.

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